By Luke Steinle – Staters Union So far, Staters from all over Kansas have had similar experiences in coming to Boys State. A consistent trend is that most people were fairly nervous as they settled into the Boys State experience. Drey, a Patton County stater, said, “I thought the expectations would be really high, and I didn’t even bring khaki pants, but then I realized I wasn’t the only one who was nervous, and I felt better.” Boys State wants to push the question “Why Boys State?” It’s the question that has been asked of Staters since they arrived. Noah from Powell County explained, “I was looking for somewhere to learn about leadership skills. I also really enjoy politics.” This is a common answer of everyone interviewed. Boys State is definitely the place to learn how to lead. Learning how to lead, especially in communities, is the main focus of the program. Another reason people came to Boys State was to make connections with other Staters. Staters have been told that the connections they make here may be lifelong. These connections could be seen from the moment Staters met each other for the first time. So far, Boys State seems to have been an enriching experience for everyone involved. Photo Credit Julian Kincaid]]>