By: Jonah Kim, Maverick Aggson, Bradley Schrock -Staters Union
The house of Representatives has always been the place where policy hits the pavement, but currently it seems as though the automobile of state has hit a crossroads. The Nationalists of the house are pushing for a more moderate approach to green energy through weaning the state off of natural gas and into wind power and solar, while the federalists are pushing for an alternate route through nuclear energy.
“Natural Gas is our best bet at the moment,” states Samuel Coleman, state rep. from Eisenhower County.
Henry Quayle, state rep. from Eisenhower County, followed up with,”Natural gas is a good stepping stone into a more sustainable and prosperous future, once we have more Eggs, we will have more baskets to put them in.”

However, Christian Custer of McArthur County says the house plans to propose “a nuclear energy bill to reduce greenhouse gases and provide a more efficient and green energy to the state of Kansas.” Custer’s side of the room was mostly made up of Federalists who were pushing for one nuclear power plant for the state and to incentivize renewable energy.
While both sides came up with different solutions, they seemed to agree on the same goal of achieving a green and sustainable future.