Executive Director Jake Ellis[/caption]
Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself and attend the American Legion Boys State of Kansas Leadership academy. Boys State provides the opportunity for young men from across Kansas to be put into a new environment that facilitates learning, self-discovery and shared experiences.
During your time at Boys State I hope that you are able to learn more about yourself. During the week we use state government as the vehicle to teach leadership principles that will help you as you head into your last year of high school. This week will be full of opportunities, but no one is going to tell you which ones to take and what to do with these opportunities.
It is up to you to decide what you want to make of your time here. Boys State provides a safe environment for you to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Think about your personal tendencies, if you’re often the first to speak up, see what happens when you let others talk. If you sit back, see what it is like to lean in and immerse yourself. The results may surprise you.
This week is yours, do what you want with it. My challenge is at the end of the week, make sure that you have no regrets. If you want to run for governor, do it! If you want to try out for the talent show, do it! If you want to be in the color guard, do it! No one is going to tell you “no”, or that you cannot do something.
Let’s have a great week!]]>