By Jacob Doerksen
Staters Union
The minimum wage. A topic that has been on the discussion table since the beginning of the week. During the main candidate debate held in McCain Auditorium on Tuesday, the candidates from each party discussed this issue.
The first minimum wage question was directed towards the Nationalist Secretary of State candidate, Matthew Wagner. “If the minimum wage is raised, how would you help small businesses adjust to the rising cost of employees?”
The opposing candidate, Jacob Schlittenhardt of the Nationalist Party, was given rebuttal time to respond to the argument. Later on in the debate, the Federalist governor candidate, Bryce Johnston was presented with this question. “Some believe raising the minimum wage could stimulate Kansas’ economy, while others believe it would merely drive inflation. What is your stance on the minimum wage and how do you believe a change would affect Kansas?”
Then the Federalist Party candidate, Alexander Trobough, had a time to refute the previous candidate. Both candidates for the Nationalist party held positions in favor of raising the minimum wage. Whilst the Federalist Party held their firm stance on raising the wage no more than over ten dollars. After Tuesday’s election, the Federalist Party completely swept the government. Early Wednesday morning I took the liberty to talk to Rob Nickel, the new State Treasurer.
Nickel, resident of Lane, Marshall County had this to say. “On regards to minimum wage, I feel like if we raised it a little bit, not something to extreme, not in the double digits. Maybe a dollar, dollar and a half, that wouldn’t really affect inflation on a national level. What it really would do is give more buying power to Kansas. I will make it so that the minimum wage worker, would have more buying power. So that they can be buying things over the internet, from other states.”
By talking to the population of Staters on campus, the general consensus seems to be that they agree with Nickel on this budget. Sam Horst, County Commissioner of Pershing County said this. “I think that is the perfect amount. This will keep other prices low.” Said Horst. Now others, disagree with Nickel. Gaylord Richardson said, “I feel that the minimum wage needs to be raised to around twelve dollars and eighty cents.” Richardson is a member of the city council in the city of Lane, Marshall County. When asked what question he would ask Nickel he responded, “Can you live off of this minimum wage that is enforced?”
Definitely something to think about. So I decided to do some looking around for myself. In the simulation I, Jacob Doerksen, am employed at a state facility. I have a daily wage of fifty five dollars an hour. This is slightly above the minimum wage. But, my daily cost of living is fifty nine dollars and forty seven cents. Therefore, I am losing money each day that I am alive in this simulation. There is only a few more days that I can survive solely with my income.
So what is the solution? Welfare? Tax adjustment? We will leave it up to the newly-elected State Treasurer, Rob Nickel.]]>