By Guthrie Turner and Luke Steinle As this busy week of Boys State comes to a close, the transformation in the attendees becomes increasingly apparent. The young men were even eager to share their personal benefits of participating in the governmental event. One Stater, James Sayles of Marshall County, said, “Actually, It’s really fun to work with people when you have a common goal.” He also realized that he is more of a people person than he previously thought. Another Marshall County city council member, Mike Cooprider, said, “City council is my lifelong passion, along with building and using my own trebuchet. Right now I’m trying to get my city to sue itself.” After that, no more information was collected from Marshall County, because everyone began aggressively suing each other. On the advice side of things, Michael Miller of Seitz County, jokingly recommended not yelling too much, cautioning a lost voice. One particular aspect of Boys State that these and numerous other Staters mentioned was the fact that they had established amazing friendships to last a lifetime.]]>