[caption id="attachment_28" align="alignright" width="300"] (Staff Photo) A large crane, which is part of the construction efforts, can be seen standing near the Kramer Dining Complex.[/caption]
Currently Kansas State University is in the process of renovating and building all over campus.
This construction will be ongoing during the week of the American Legion Boys State of Kansas. The staff asks that Staters use their best judgment when traveling in between operations during their week.
Areas under construction and renovation include the K-State Student Union, Seaton Hall, Bill Snyder Family Stadium, Memorial Stadium Welcome Center, Seventeenth Street, the K-State Office park, the engineering complex, and the Kramer complex.
The most notable construction project Staters should watch out for is in front of the Kramer complex.
Here K-State is building is building a new $70 million residences hall. In regards to the construction, Marcus McNeal, Curriculum Coordinator, stated, “It is an exciting time to be on K-State’s campus during this time of growth, it does however create challenges for the program that we will undoubtedly overcome.”
Marcus advised Staff and Staters to, “Stay away from areas of construction.”
Jared Meitler, K-State Liaison, explained, “Construction started right after Boys State left last year. They’ve really kept us in mind the entire time. A lot of what they’re doing right now is keeping us in mind. For in- stance, they’ve altered their schedules in the engineer- ing complex so that the house and senate will be able to use the area.”
The construction is part of the university wide goal of becoming a top 50 public research institution by the year 2025. Todd Vogts, Media Coordinator, stated, “The steps K-State is taking to modify the campus are going to pay off in the future. It’s a great relationship we have with them.”