Welcome to Kansas Boys State

RexGardnerColumn By REX GARDNER Executive Director

First and foremost, welcome! Thank you for choosing to become a Boys Stater. Nearly a year ago, the staff of The American Legion Boys State of Kansas Leadership Academy started the process of preparing for your arrival. Not a single month in the last year has gone by with- out a meeting or conference call. Two days ago, the majority of Counselors and Advisors arrived with great anticipation for the 78th session of Kansas Boys State. Parents, teachers, High School Counselors, Legion Posts, individuals and other groups, including the in- credible staff of our host, Kansas State University, have spent countless hours preparing for this week. All of this work has been for you, the Staters of 2015! In just a few short days, the work, the failures, the successes, the friendships, the memories you have lived will be written in Boys State history, a history that in Kansas, dates back to 1937. The story of 2015 is now yours to write! All that you have learned, all that you have done, all that others have done for you has brought you to this place, at this time.
In front of you are opportunities, challenges and experiences that you may never have encoun- tered in your life. You have the complete confidence and support of everyone who has helped you to become a Boys Stater. This is your one chance. This is your time. Vow to yourself that you will make the most of this chance, that you will leave after Closing Ceremonies knowing that you have just experienced the week that changed your life!