Life: A Juggling act

By Bradley Schrock and Maverick Aggson -Staters Union

The world of politics and public service is a complex maze of policy and ceremony.

Over the past 24 hours, through the rhythm of marching and the bellows of sound off, Staters have been introduced to this lively and relevant political simulation that aims to provide insight into the responsibilities and requirements of public office.

After arriving on the Kansas State campus they met their city and county counselors who help facilitate the operations of the state government, mediate elections, and otherwise assist the transition of power from the prior leadership. Following an exchange of introductions among the newly minted party members, the counties formed outside on the lawn and received a crash course in marching from their counselors. The color guard led the charge to the union forum hall where the opening ceremonies commenced.

Staters Gather for Opening Ceremony

      The main event at this year’s commencement was a presentation from motivational speaker and former professional football player Kendall Gammon. His speech series called “Laces Out” focuses on elevating personal well-being through emotional strength. This included an emphasis on balance between one’s personal, professional, and family relationships which he punctuated throughout with an entertaining series of juggling stunts. Despite the seemingly circus-like nature of the display, they tied deeply back into his message by giving an example of how to manage the balance between the different areas of life. The talk also explored the sensitive subjects of rising rates of depression and anxiety among today’s youth. One of Gammon’s personal recommendations was a Gratitude Journal, which is used to help its writer appreciate the little things that add value to their lives. 

He ended his talk with a surprise juggling lesson for the audience where they used scarves to simulate the motions of juggling. Along with being a fun and interactive demonstration for the assembled Staters, the exercise helped to further drive home his message of personal value with the motto of “Whatever you think is impossible you are just one step away from achieving it.” 

Gammon’s message will surely help inspire the newly elected leaders to harness their innate leadership abilities to thrive in the governance of our state in the upcoming week. We would like to thank Mr. Gammon for his words of encouragement and dedication to the youth of today and the struggles they face.


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